1. [[:small_target_areas|Small Target Areas]]: The multi-service center servces a target area with population of 34,000 ± 20%. 2. [[:location|Location]]: Service centers are located within two blocks of a major intersection. 3. [[:size_based_on_population|Size Based on Population]]: The total size of an MSC which services a target area of population N, is .9N square feet. 4. [[:community_territory|Community Territory]]: The service center is divided into two zones, services and community territory; community territory includes space for community projects and a public area. 5. [[:small_services_without_red_tape|Small Services without Red Tape]]: No one service has a staff size greater than 12; each service is physically cohesive and autonomous; the services are loosely organized with respect to each other. 6. [[:expansion|Expansion]]: the number of services can grow and the size of any one service can grow; but the relationship of all services to community territory does not change. 7. [[:entrance_locations|Entrance locations]]: The building's main entrances are immediately visible to a person approaching, by foot or by car, from any direction. 8. [[:parking|Parking]]: Either parking is provided for everyone [this will require .5N square feet for a target population of N], or there is emergency parking only; staff-only parking is never provided. 9. [[:arena_thoroughfare|Arena Thoroughfare]]: There is a natural pedestrian shortcut through the MSC's community territory. 10. [[:open_to_street|Open to Street]]: Major community projects, services and arena activities are plainly visible to passers-by, in the street. 11. [[:arena_enclosure|Arena Enclosure]]: The public area is as open as possible to the world around it, while still maintaining the required Effective Temperature inside. 12. [[:locked_and_unlocked_zones|Locked and Unlocked Zones]]: The building is zoned according to three different time schedules: with one door closing each zone off from the next: 9am-5pm, 9am-11pm, and "always open". 13. [[:all_services_off_arena|All Services Off Arena]]: All services open off the public arena; their frontages are roughly equal. 14. [[:free_waiting|Free Waiting]]: All services share a common waiting area, which contains a variety of activities; this waiting area is part of the public area. 15. [[:overview_of_services|Overview of Services]]: All of the services housed in the MSC are instantly visible to a person entering the center. 16. [[:necklace_of_community_projects|Necklace of Community Projects]]: Small, store front type stall, organized and run by members of the community, ring the multi-service center. 17. [[:community_projects_two-sided|Community Projects Two-Sided]]: Like store fronts, each community project opens onto the street; whenever possible, it opens onto the public space as well. 18. [[:windows_overlooking_life|Windows Overlooking Life]]: Windows near places where people spend more than a minute or two, all look out on areas of "life". 19. [[:core_service_adjacencies|Core Service Adjacencies]]: personnel in core services are place according to frequency of INteraction; this will typically lead to formation of three cohesive units: administration, community organization, and program-evaluation. 20. [[:activity_pockets|Activity Pockets]]: The entire edge of the arena is scallopped with pockets of activity, alternating with points of access. 21. [[:self-service|Self-Service]]: The waiting area contains a self-service facility, where job listings, welfare rights information and other do-it-yourself services are open, without restriction, to the public. 22. [[:pedestrian_density_in_public_places|Pedestrian Density in Public Places]]: If an estimated mean number of people in the arena at any given moment, is P, the size of the arean should be 150P to 300P square feet. 23. [[:entrance_shape|Entrance Shape]]: Major entrances are either deeply recessed or they stick out from the face of the building, for visibility. 24. [[:subcommittee_watchdogs|Subcommittee Watchdogs]]: Subcommittees of community residents have offices in the multi-service center; they are empowered to represent the communities interests in the center, and are set up to receive complaints and suggestions. 25. [[:building_steeped_back_from_arena|Building Steeped Back from Arena]]: Buildings around public courts should be raked back at an angle less than 40 degrees. 26. [[:vertical_circulation_in_services|Vertical Circulation in Services]]: Services requiring space beyond that allocated to them round the arena, are directly connected to upper stories by interior stairs. 27. [[:self-service_progression|Self-Service Progression]]: Self-service begins on the street, in front of the MSC, with a "menu", which leads directly to the self-service facility. 28. [[:the_intake_process|The Intake Process]]: Intake procedures are informally handled by field workers, in a lounge setting, near the major entrance. 29. [[:outdoor_seats|Outdoor Seats]]: Outdoor benches are arranged overlooking activity, in the sun, and protected from wind; and especially suited for old people. 30. [[:ceiling_heights|Ceiling Heights]]: Ceiling heights for all rooms and spaces are established according to the diameters of the "social bubbles" appropriate for those spaces. 31. [[:short_corridors|Short Corridors]]: Straight corridors are never longer than 40 or 50 feet. 32. [[:child_care_position|Child Care Position]]: The child care stations is visible along the path from the entrance to the services. ---- References Alexander, Christopher, Sara Ishikawa, and Murray Silverstein. 1968. //A Pattern Language Which Generates Multi-Service Centers//. Center for Environmental Structure. [[http://books.google.ca/books?id=FGdPAAAAMAAJ|http://books.google.ca/books?id=]][[http://books.google.ca/books?id=FGdPAAAAMAAJ|FGdPAAAAMAAJ]] Last revised at SGU.